If you have a specific PMS (Pantone Matching. System) color number PMS Color Chart as a basic reference. This chart is a helpful PMS 213C. PMS 189 C .
Pantone / PMS 213 C / #e31c79 Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #e31c79 is a shade of pink. In the RGB color model #e31c79 is comprised of 89.02% red, 10.98% green and 47.45% blue. In the HSL color space #e31c79 has a hue of 332° (degrees), 78% saturation and 50% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 497.12 nm.
Got it. Pantone / PMS 2137 C / #6e80a9 Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #6e80a9 is a shade of blue. In the RGB color model #6e80a9 is comprised of 43.14% red, 50.2% green and 66.27% blue. In the HSL color space #6e80a9 has a hue of 222° (degrees), 26% saturation and 55% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 474.42 nm.
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PANTONE 213 CP. B199 Hex #00aec7 C53 M84 Y46 K67 R227 G28 B121 Hex #e31c79 C0 M59 Y100 K0 R255 G105 B0 Hex #ff6900 Pantone 3125 C Pantone 213 C Pantone CMYK 3/7/90/0 RGB 251/224/50 PANTONE 107 C #fbe032 CMYK 0/90/20/0 RGB 238/62/128 PANTONE 213 CP #ee3e80 NCS 1466-R17B Tryck i heltonsfärg (HKS K eller Pantone C); Silktech-patron med 3000 m skriveffekt och medelhög streckstyrka, blå; Utbytbar kulpatron; Tillverkad i Tyskland 100 procent. Det ser nästan lika bra ut i svartvitt. Är det därför Nacke har en sån tilltalande design?
Pantone / PMS 213 C / #e31c79 Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #e31c79 is a shade of pink. In the RGB color model #e31c79 is comprised of 89.02% red, 10.98% green and 47.45% blue. In the HSL color space #e31c79 has a hue of 332° (degrees), 78% saturation and 50% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 497.12 nm.
21. Ŏ Ŏ. SIZE. SMALL 8. MEDIUM 10 -12 PANTONE: 213C - RGB: 202,36,130 - CMYK: 0,92,1,0.
CMYK 3/7/90/0 RGB 251/224/50 PANTONE 107 C #fbe032 CMYK 0/90/20/0 RGB 238/62/128 PANTONE 213 CP #ee3e80 NCS 1466-R17B
If no colorspace is given, RGB is assumed. Examples: rgb 100 12 14, fe6609, hsl 80 36 68. Color space information #e31c79 | Pantone 213 C. Similar Pantone Color name Information, Color Schemes, Light / Darkshades, Tones, Similar Colors , Preview the color and download Photoshop swatch and solid color background image Pantone / PMS 213 C / #e31c79 Hexfärgkod. Hexdecimalsfärgkoden #e31c79 är en nyans i rosa.
Rosa, Pantone 213C. Lila, Pantone 254C. CMYK.
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You can type any RGB, HEX, HSL, HSV or LAB colors into the box. If no colorspace is given, RGB is assumed.
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Pantone 213C: Lila: Pantone 254C: Brun: Pantone 463 C . Nya Bevismärken . Nya Bevismärken . Här kan du läsa mer om Scouternas nyaste tillägg till kategorin …
The hexadecimal color code #1d57a5 is a medium dark shade of cyan-blue. In the RGB color model #1d57a5 is comprised of 11.37% red, 34.12% green and 64.71% blue. In the HSL color space #1d57a5 has a hue of 214° (degrees), 70% saturation and 38% lightness. Pantone / PMS 213 / #e6086e Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #e6086e is a shade of pink. In the RGB color model #e6086e is comprised of 90.2% red, 3.14% green and 43.14% blue.
PMS-213C - Custom Color Screen Printing Ink- IMPORTANT - All PMS mixes are sold by accurate volume weight. Depending on color and pigments used, some
Цвет, близкий к Pantone 213C. Чернила такой ручки отличаются меньшей вязкостью - это означает, что линии письма будут более четкими и точными. Simply find your Pantone® color below, read across to find the approximate Hex or RGB equivalent, and type this value into the relevant box when designing your Tabla de Conversion de Pantone a NCS (Natural Color System). Las siguientes Pantone 213C, NCS 1070-R10B, Pantone 5305C, NCS 2010-R50B. Pantone PMS 211C. PF0653.
Color appearance will vary based on lighting conditions and angle of view. PANTONE® and other Pantone trademarks are the property of Pantone LLC. 在线查询PANTONE FORMULA GUIDE Solid Coated专色铜版的全部颜色,输入颜色色号或者点击每个专色,可以全屏查看,以及颜色的具体信息 Pantone Plastic Large Chip 213C Large-size 3in x 1-7/8in polypropylene chip standards are now available to match your favorite Pantone PLUS Series and Pantone Fashion + Home Color. Some colors may need to be special ordered. baiki Universalband - hält dein Zeug an deinem Fahrrad - egal ob Flasche, Werkzeug, Handy oder Regenjacke - baiki hält alles. Jetzt entdecken! Color space information #ff9e1b | Pantone 1375 C. Similar Pantone Color name Information, Color Schemes, Light / Darkshades, Tones, Similar Colors , Preview the color and download Photoshop swatch and solid color background image 国际标准色号pantone 2135 c,千通彩色库免费为色彩爱好者查询色号 Aug 21, 2020 - Color and Textile Trends 2019 , 2020 , 2021 , 2022 and 2023 for Designers and Product Developers • Spring • Summer • Autumn • Winter • Twice Pantone 213C M98, Y24. SECO Gray. Pantone Cool Gray 9C K50. 계열사 조합(가로) 70% of all orders ship within 48 hours.